MNN Framework


MNN is a Problem Solving Company, working closely with individuals and communities as we grow collectively, organically and in a sustainable manner.

We routinely come across a wide spectrum of problems and that impacts our Individual Instantaneous Experience as well as long term Corporate Memories

At MNN we strongly believe that most problems can be solved within the scope of STEM-BAK framework. We strongly recommend a sound understanding of these tools for integrated problem solving and decision making.

MNN encourages research and innovation

STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. It refers to the academic disciplines related to these fields and to the career opportunities that are available in these fields.

Simple machines are basic mechanical devices that are used to make work easier. There are six types of simple machines: the lever, the pulley, the inclined plane, the wedge, the screw, and the wheel and axle.

Automation technologies are systems that are designed to perform tasks without the need for human intervention. These technologies can be used in a wide range of industries, including manufacturing, transportation, and healthcare, to name just a few. Automation technologies include things like robots, computer programs, and control systems that are used to perform tasks automatically

Business solutions are products, services, or systems that are designed to help businesses improve their operations and solve problems. They can be used to streamline processes, increase efficiency, reduce costs, improve customer service, and achieve a range of other business objectives. Business solutions can be software applications, consulting services, training programs, or any other product or service that helps a business operate more effectively.

Knowledge sharing refers to the process of making information and expertise available to others within an organization or community. This can be done through a variety of means, including sharing knowledge through informal conversations or discussions, creating and distributing written materials or presentations, using collaboration tools such as wikis or forums, or providing training or mentorship.